Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Warning, attempting to use blog may add significant stressss

This is a great idea. I have no idea how it works, but no worries, I can rely on all of you to get me through it. Love the idea. How in the world do you take a picture with your phone and get it to the blog????. Awesome pics of the kiddos at the top. I agree we need a picture of Matt with his t shirt sleeves rolled up and maybe a fake pack of cigs in them, helmet and goggles on, sitting on his high powered motor scooter. By the way, I think Dad Larson is calling Matt "Scooter" Love you guys John ps. what does labels for this post mean

1 comment:

Michael said...

Great job Dad!!! Did you figure this out all on your own? If so... well done! love you pops