Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Andrew and Jeremy have been growing as brothers over the past couple of months. It has been exciting for me as a dad to see them enjoy each other. I don't know how rough the road for their relationship will get, but I love knowing that they have Michael and Don and Joe and I as examples of how much fun it can be to be brothers. I am curious and excited to see how they bring Tyler into the mix in the next few years.

I am working on possibly taking Andrew camping some time this summer. I think he would have a blast with it and I am debating taking both of them (maybe we'll start with a backyard tent camp). What are some of the things that you guys did as kids that you still remember? I'd love to start being intentional about giving these guys some fun things to remember.

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1 comment:

Colleen said...

What a great picture of what it's like to be brothers! There's the fun and the fight involved - often at the same time! But I have to say, Matt, I saw the closeness of the relationship between those boys even at this very young age. Andrew may mess with Jeremy as he tries to figure his way through the pecking order of life, and Jeremy with Andrew! But the minute Jeremy needed something - really needed - Andrew was there to make sure he was cared for. I saw it even as you introduced Tyler into the mix.

You, as their dad, are setting a beautiful example of what it's like to be a man caring for one another. And I agree, those boys are blessed to have grandpas, uncles and extended uncles who model godly brotherhood. I think God has wonderful plans for these Larson boys, and He's chosen just the right Dad and Mom to raise them up for Him.

I'm interested to hear what impacted the boys as they grew! I just love the way you father "intentionally". I know that extends to the way you love Kristen as well. Dad and I thank God for you!

Thanks for the pic - and for sharing your thoughts.