Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hey fam. So on a slow Thursday out here in Arlington, I decided to repair/upgrade my laptop. The computer store wanted almost $700 to do what I wanted to do (add ram, replace the CD drive) so I told them to go take a hike. Ordered the parts online, gathered my courage and jumped in. 3 hours later it looked like this:

Oops. Not to worry. All is working again (thankfully) and I spent a total of about $190 on the repair... pretty proud of that.

Love you guys.


Michael said...

Don... you're a champ. I've got two sony vaios that need some help... anytime you want... just take the train :)

Colleen said...

Way to go Don!!! I love the fact that you just mustered the courage and took it on. I want to do that with this computer - not open it up, just take on learning what it's capable of doing. I'm inspired!