Friday, January 4, 2008

Oh the fun we had sledding! Mom and Mammo even got in on the action (and note the stylish snowboarding gear we are toting!) Andrew is crazy and brave on the sled. He went from the tippy top (as he called it) of the hill (the one by the ice cream shop) all by himself and made it almost all the way down to the swings by the lake...crazy man! Jer had fun too...we raced Andrew and then he took a snack break! It was the perfect place to trees to freak out mommy but nice fast snow (it would also be a fun place to put a little one on a snowboard for the first time!) Mom got some great pics of me and my boys too...thanks mom! Wish you all were here! PS... check out the pic of Drew leaning against the car...4 1/2 going on 15...he is just so cool! :)


Matt Larson said...

These are AMAZING! I wish I was out there with you guys. Thanks so much for posting them.

Don Thompson said...

Wow! This looks like so much fun! I echo Matt's sentiment. What a great time. That pictures of Ty Guy all bundled up like a chubby little package makes me laugh. He's so doggon happy!

Love you guys.