Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Mah Christmas Tree!

Thanks, Mom and Andrew for my lovely Christmas Tree! I have it all set up in my house right next to the couch in my family room where it makes me feel all warm and Christmassy!

Love you guys,
See you soon!


Colleen said...

Looks beautiful! Happy birthday, Jesus. : )

Anonymous said...

Hey Thompsons, Larsons, and soon-to-be Thompsons,

We found u'all via the evfree website, matt's blog, etc. Anyway. We saw some of the family news.

Congrads to Ms. Megan and Michael. We are excited for you guys!

You know that IA and NC are not that far from AL. So if you guys are ever in the area feel free to come by and hang out. We can take you for some great buffalo wings.

Well Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Andy for the Wulffs