Wednesday, November 21, 2007


Well it is almost time to eat. I can already taste Kristen's crisp granny smith apples smothered in cinnamon-sugar that I am going to snitch tomorrow before they make it into the oven! Mom and Dad... I sure wish you were going to be here as well... i know dad would grad some of those as well and get major busted... he's not as sneaky as Don and I ;) I am going to attempt the pumpkin bread (recipe thanks to Don's 4th grade teacher... what was her name?) but I am not promising anything... I posted on my blog a picture of some super good looking bread (I am salivating already) and i hope to live up to that! I can't wait to get the boys involved as well tomorrow... I know they'll want to help out with everything! Don's defrosting his turkey as we speak and kristen and matt... well... they're at IKEA... some things never change :) Well I will definitely post some pics tomorrow of the cooking and eating and playing that goes on here. I love you mom and dad and can't wait till you come out for Christmas... we'll have to make up some more pumpkin bread (it is NOT a one holiday food... it is YEAR-Round!!!... and I am "thankful' for that!)
Post some pics of the Iowa feast when you get a chance... or of your bread/pies/turkey/etc... that you make... we'll compare feast and share stories...

happy almost! :)

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I have left over pumpkin bread! How did that happen?!?!! We miss you.