Sunday, October 28, 2007

Hit that.

So I thought after telling y'all about the bull we shot I'd post a couple pics. This was down about an hour outside of Tecate in Mexico.

The camera you see in this first sequence is little 16mm camera called an "i-mo". It's housed protective crash-case. Just as we hoped, the bull had no intension of sharing his space with the camera. The guys in the ring are trained bull-handlers (more commonly called "idiots" by people with half a brain). Their idea here is to taunt the bull until he charges and then run for cover. Sounds like a brilliant choice of occupation to me, but hey, whatever you're into...

Setting the camera...

Calling (unnecessary) attention to one's self...

"This land is my land..."

"... it isn't your land."

Little i-mo keeps on truckin.

Most of the time the bull would stay on the defensive and hang out in the middle of the circle, ready for anything that might come at him, but as soon as we decided to dip the techno-crane into his territory he started feeling pretty threatened. He tried to gore the camera (worth about $150k all told) a number of times. Each time the crane operator in front would have to lift the 37 foot arm up out of the charging bull's path.

No crash-casing on this one. The bull gets within about 4 inches of the camera on a full sprint. The DP (who owns the camera) gets a little nervous.

Hanging a (pricey) camera rig on the crane...

Dipping the (pricey) camera rig into the hot zone.

When the bull isn't chasing the camera he turns his interest this man... who has made a poor career choice.

It was great to see everyone today. Love you guys! See you soon.


Colleen said...

This is amazing, Don! What some won't do for the shot! I'm amazed the camera still worked! How did you get these pics? Will we be able to see the finished product or is it reserved for the concert-goers? I'm developing an appreciation for background videos! How many locations will be involved in this piece?

Enjoyed seeing you, too. It was a nice celebration for Michael and Megan. They're blessed with lots of good people in their lives who love them. Thank You, Lord.

God bless you as you write today!

I love you, Don.

Colleen said...

What a beautiful setting.

Matt Larson said...
