Saturday, August 25, 2007

Today in Iowa - 08-25

Today started out with an early morning session on the wakeboard for matt and I. Well... we didn't get to as early as desired. Matt layed the jackets out on the back of the boat before we pulled out and I didn't notice. By the time we got to the other side of the lake to hop in we were wondering where they were. Time for a water rescue mission. We took the next ten minutes retracing our tracks to find the two jackets bobbing about 150 yards from each other. We then thoroughly enjoyed the session, both landed a ton of grads and also wake to wake frontside 180's. G'ma had breakfast ready for the whole fam when we got back and even banned us from dishes so we could relax. We then played in the lake, played some card games, and went to a crazy public pool with HUGE slides with the kidos. There was a high dive, basketball hoop and waterfalls galore! It was a great time. Drew even swam with his face in the water!!! We are off to dinner and a movie tonight as the youngins have a babysitter coming.

1 comment:

Don Thompson said...

Thanks for the post and pics, Mig! Wish I was there with ya'll... and I think I would have spotted the life-jackets before it pushed you off into delays. :)