Sunday, January 20, 2008

Blog question

Hey Michael,

I'm finding the background makes it difficult to read the blog. Do you want to change that to a different color? I suppose I could knock on your door and ask you rather than post, but hey, maybe this will get the traffic going :)

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Growing up!

We got a fun picture of Tyler, Daniel and Nathan today...they are all getting big so fast! Just thought I would share! Love you all!
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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Need a luagh??? :-)

One of the most hilarious rehashings of a pop song and pop event I have ever seen!!!
Poor girl! PS... this guy is from SB! I knew I loved that place for a reason :)

In case you missed it... here is THE miss south carolina.

And without further ado... the one who mocks her well...

Saturday, January 5, 2008

So much fun!

Last night Gma and Gpa came over to dinner. What fun we had! Gpa was on the floor playing with the boys while Gma helped with the finishing touches for the meal. After dinner Andrew challenged us all to a game of dominos. Gpa doesn't play games!! But he joined in and had a ball. After several intense moments Gma emerged the victor! Still engaged in the battled Gpa and Andrew duked it out for second. It appeared for a a moment theat Gpa was going to take down his great grandson, but Andrew came through! What you see toward the end is the victory salute shared by Gma and Drew with a dejected Gpa in the background. It was a fun evening.

Looking forward to a rousing family game this summer!

Just had to add a pic of Ty and his mommy. What cuties!!!!! It's wonderful to have them all here. : )

Love you all so much!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Oh the fun we had sledding! Mom and Mammo even got in on the action (and note the stylish snowboarding gear we are toting!) Andrew is crazy and brave on the sled. He went from the tippy top (as he called it) of the hill (the one by the ice cream shop) all by himself and made it almost all the way down to the swings by the lake...crazy man! Jer had fun too...we raced Andrew and then he took a snack break! It was the perfect place to trees to freak out mommy but nice fast snow (it would also be a fun place to put a little one on a snowboard for the first time!) Mom got some great pics of me and my boys too...thanks mom! Wish you all were here! PS... check out the pic of Drew leaning against the car...4 1/2 going on 15...he is just so cool! :)

Here are some fun pics from the past 2 days in Iowa! The first is of me and the boys enjoying the warmth of hot chocolate at Cabin Coffee (a favorite Iowa hang out of the boys). Then as you can see, the boys went to sleep, tired from a long day and miss Maggie decided she was tired too and found a bed right on top of Jeremy! As much as he tortures her...she loves him. :) Then we got fed up with taking care of children and locked them in the pack and just kidding! The big boys wanted to play with Ty! They love their little brother! We are really enjoying our visit...stay tuned for some fun sledding pics! Love you guys!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Hair

Thanks Ben and Sarah Coleman for making it happen :)

WOW! So much to blog about!

Ok, here's some action from the Larson/Thompson Christmas Morning: